Meet Our Team

You have heard the saying: "Two minds are better than one?

Well, that is what makes the copywriting team of Wise and Parker unique. Both copywriting professionals come from two unique and very different backgrounds (Check out our Bio's). When you retain us for your copy, you are getting a team approach and not just one, narrow view.

The result is copy that identifies with the target audience and drives results for the action you desire.

Profile Picture of Owner, Tom Parker

Anthony Thomas Parker

Who Am I?

When you retain me to coach you, or write content for your business or pleasure, you are hiring a broad and deeply experienced executive, entrepreneur, artist, and poet. I am fortunate to have lived to an age where much experience has been accumulated through some failures and many successes. I value accomplishments through hard work and persistence. And, I am a man of high integrity and professionalism.

Whoever you are is fine with me. I will try my best by applying all my talent, abilities, and experience to add value to your coaching or writing projects. To me, transferring knowledge by focused coaching, and selecting action orientated written words mean something. I have learned to choose coaching and written content wisely to impact intent, calls to action, and desired results.

Entrepreneurial Work Background

As an entrepreneur, I multi-task  between technical, artistic, and inventing endeavors. For example, I was sold a bogus but unique waterproofing system that did not work. So, I reinvented it and used it for customers such as Disney World, Universal Studios, and at the Cape Kennedy complex. Later, I sold the intellectual property rights to a company in Long Island City, trained their entire team, and wrote their training manuals and sales presentations. I also founded a stained-glass studio in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and managed its operation for seven years in parallel with my full-time technical job. Over those years I wrote sales and training material, ads for magazines and newspapers, contracts, B2B letters, designed and built various web sites with appropriate copy, and wrote dispute resolution letters—while creating some fantastic stained glass works of art. I have started, operated, and sold many small businesses such as an auto polishing business, digital marketing agency, rental properties, a construction company, and executed real estate and insurance sales transactions. Lastly, along with my wife & my sons, I built our own three-bedroom, two bath home in the Maryland Mountains over a seven-year period from the ground up— everything. Thus, I feel quite competent to write about construction components, tools, processes, and techniques.

Technical Work Background

As an engineer, scientist, and executive for BDH Technologies Group, Siemens Fossil Services, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, General Dynamics, The Boeing Company, and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, I have written all types of B2B content. A large portion of my professional experience was in technical and construction project management of large projects such as:
  • nuclear and fossil power plants,
  • petroleum bio cracking projects,
  • aerospace and propulsion projects,
  • water proofing and restoration,
  • stained glass projects, and
  • marketing and sales projects.
These projects were located throughout the USA and in many foreign countries where I lived and worked for 3-5 years. Thus, I was exposed to the business practices, culture, and communication practices in countries such as China, Brazil, Sweden, The UK, Belgium, Canada, and Thailand. I know Dandong, China as well as I know Boston. I had to learn to interact and communicate with stakeholders, employees, and citizens in each those countries.


I graduated from the University of Dayton with a B.M.E. degree in Mechanical Engineering and from the Pennsylvania State University with a M.S. degree in Engineering. I completed additional education at the University of Rochester, the University of California, and received writing certificates from the EPC Institute, LURN, and AWAI.


I have been a teacher and mentor all my life. I taught Rocket Propulsion and Atomic Physics at the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Florida. During my post master’s degree work, I taught technical subjects at the University of Rochester. While owning and operating Phoenix Stained Glass Studio, I taught many students in all the phases of stained-glass construction, business operation, and renovation. I have coached numerous successful students in copywriting, email marketing, digital marketing, construction crafts, management, and multi-tasking. Having two sons, and having raised my niece, they helped teach me patience. Later when I suddenly lost my 23-year-old son, and then lost my wife of 47 years to cancer, and lost my oldest brother and youngest sister, I learned how to live with loss. Now, I try to help others understand and accept the loss of a loved one when I am permitted.

The Fun Stuff

I enjoy water and snow skiing in Eastern USA, and scuba diving off the coast of West Palm Beach and the Grand Bahama Islands. Motorcycling is my favorite sport, taking long trips to many states east of the Mississippi. As a Boy Scout and Explore Scout, I explored caves, climbed mountains, fished in Canada, canoed up and down many rivers, white water creeks, and toured many civil war sites. History is my favorite subject.

Teresa Wise

My passion for independently understanding the world can be traced back to my childhood years and the words “why” and “I can do it myself.” Yes, I was one of those kids. A quiet child full of questions, fiercely independent yet cognizance of the emotions and motivations of others.

This carried through to my college days spending significant time studying sociology & psychology though my actual major was in marketing. Of course, now I see the delicate interplay of how these philosophies enhance one another. This gave me a unique perspective to understand the desires of consumers and through application, the ability to increase consumer engagement in any industry. It all begins with empathy… really.

My mother always told me, “How would you feel if you were in their shoes?” So, over the years, I’ve walked in so many shoes, I prefer to go barefoot these days! Thank you Mom – again, you’ve prepared me for my future. I’ve spent the majority of my career in the marketing industry, gaining experience in areas such as market research, branding, competitive analysis and relationship management. Marketing is about a deep psychological understanding of customer needs. It is a relationship and without engagement, I have no relationship. Copywriting is the way to engage!

Over the course of my 20 year career, I’ve been involved in marketing in every sense. I’ve worked for a national sports racing corporation & other racing entities. I’ve also worked for local newspapers and small business owners. As I matured, I began to realize life was not all about me. I was not the most important person in the room and though marketing is interesting work, I wanted to make a contribution of some sort, like many of us do as we age and learn the importance of connection.

I reinvented myself in 2011 and became a Freelance Grant writer earning my certification from Rollins-Crummer Graduate School. At first, I volunteered my time to work alongside a brilliant woman running an organization serving children and families. Being the executive director, she wrote funding proposals and she became my mentor. For the next four years, I wrote award-winning grant proposals which funded programs improving the health outcomes in early childhood development, substance abuse and mental health.

I gained valuable experience in regulatory compliance working for a national education company where I gained more insight into qualitative and quantitative research. I acquired experience working with advisory boards and subject matter experts. At the same time, I revised & updated educational courses utilizing my research skills. I always thought writing was my passion until I met Mr. Research. For most people, research doesn’t sound very exciting. For me, research became my passion and I’ve been applying it in all my endeavors ever since. I’ve always been aware that one job prepares me for the next and after several years, my next step was to launch into a fulltime independent contractor position. Yes, working for myself, that is!

Five years later, I am now a successful freelance contractor specializing in research, copywriting, and search engine marketing (SEO). I interpret data to determine patterns, relationships & trends so my words are engaging and relevant for the target audience at hand. I believe coming up with strategies to improve performance is key in our personal and professional lives. That’s how we grow. I guess you could say, the hours I now spend working are enjoyable and seem to fly by which is a good sign that I’m right where I’m supposed to be.