
Website Design & Content
  • Site Content & Audit Report
  • Landing & Content Pages
  • Keyword Research
  • Funnel Design & Content
  • Site Redesign
  • Site Design & Copywriting
Content Marketing
  • Educational Material
  • Newsletters
  • Articles
  • E-Books
  • Videos
  • Webinars
Social Media
  • SM Set-Up including Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
  • SM Management of Channels
  • SM Ad Campaign
  • Company Descriptions (Google+ and other review sites)
  • Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Affiliate Marketing

Over the years in copywriting and internet marketing, it became obvious to me that I could go farther faster with a coach. At first, I thought how could I afford a coach? Later, I saw where I could save time and get higher-paying retainers with some guidance from the right professional.

I arrived at this flash of genius simply by being honest with myself. I could write, but I recognized that every craft, every profession, has tricks of the trade that are only learned by making numerous mistakes, over and over, or by having someone who has been there and done that teach you.

If you are trying to learn copywriting for any purpose, may I suggest you find a coach or mentor and save yourself a 747 load of grief. Remember time is money. If you have someone to help when you get stuck, lose focus, or cannot see the way forward, a coach will surely help.

I would consider it an honor to be your coach. I can only take so many students, so I work on a first come first serve basis. When I reach my limit, I stop taking students. I can take a few students now. If you are interested, contact me, and tell me a little about yourself, and what you want to accomplish. We can take it from there!

Technical Copywriting
  • Training Guides
  • Scientific or Health manuals
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Annual Reports
  • Request for Proposals (RFP’s)
  • Service Agreements
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • SEO Audit Reports
  • SEO & Sales Conversion for Home Pages, Product Pages or Order Pages.
Email Marketing
  • Email Campaign Sequences using Autoresponders
  • Stand-alone Emails for Events, Invitations or Promotions
  • Email Setup
Other Miscellaneous Services
  • Banner or Text Ads
  • Press Releases 
  • Blog Posts
  • Case Studies